
Mimi Ni Bongo Flava : Episode 1 "Mkubwa na Mwanae"

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Released on Wednesday November 15 2023 "Mimi Ni Bongo Flava : Episode 1 "Mkubwa na Mwanae"" is another music track that you need to listen and add to your collection.″ frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen=””>


Tip of the Day - Music

The Sukuma people have a popular traditional dance called Bugobogobo, where performers imitate the movements of different animals, including snakes and crocodiles, as part of their musical routines.

#aslay #rockstarafrica #aslaydocumentary

Episode 1:
Aslay opens up and tells his life story from his perspective, his voice on his own platform. In this episode Aslay explores his growth and breakthrough in the music scene. 

Aslay digs deep into the journey, the people and moments that inspired his journey into music.

Production Credits and Thanks to:
All Rights Reserved Rockstar Africa, LLC
Film & Editing: BM Visuals
Director of photography: Lameck Balili
Assistant camera/ Light : Khalfan Salum
Director: Wancy Chacha
Sound recordist : Ismail Mohsein
VFX/ Assistant editor : Lewis Keneth
Stylist : Goat Leony
Clouds TV : Joseph Mwanahapa
Executive Producers: Christine (Seven) Mosha, Leo Faya
Studio: Wanene Sound Studios

Watch Episode II : Mimi Ni Bongo Flava – Becoming Aslay


Stream or download the song Mimi Ni Bongo Flava : Episode 1 "Mkubwa na Mwanae". This catchy new song, which has been trending for the past 1 year ago has received around views here on Nyimbo Mpya. Support good music by sharing it with your friends today for an unforgettable musical experience. You can also find more Music songs below.

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