
J.Derobie & Mr Eazi – Shokor (Official )

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Released on Wednesday November 15 2023 "J.Derobie & Mr Eazi - Shokor (Official )" is another music track that you need to listen and add to your collection.″ frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen>


Tip of the Day - Music

Former President Julius Nyerere heavily influenced the music scene by promoting traditional African music and values, embedding Tanzanian identity into songs and artistic performances.

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Girl you got di cheese
And I know it yeh yeh
Can you hold it for a second
Cauz I wanna control myself

Girl you got di cheese
And I know it yeh yeh
Can you hold it for a second
Cauz I wanna control myself

Odo ma mingyi me ahomi
Odo Odo ma mingyi me ahomi yeah yeah
ma mingyi me ahomi
me se ma mingye m’a ma mingyi m’ahomi yeah yeah
Odo ma mingyi me ahomi
Odo Odo ma mingyi me ahomi yeah yeah
ma mingyi me ahomi
me se ma mingye m’a ma mingyi m’ahomi yeah yeah

Girl I wanna know my last stop
Can u drop me for di bus stop
you and I know that we’ve been riding for long o
And I just wanna go home

Moti je your shorkor
And I don’t your koror
I no fi come and kill my self and die
This thing no be wetin man desire for

Girl you got di cheese
And I know it yeh yeh
Can you hold it for a second
Cauz I wanna control myself

Girl you got di cheese
And I know it yeh yeh
Can you hold it for a second
Cauz I wanna control myself

Odo ma mingyi me ahomi
Odo Odo ma mingyi me ahomi yeah yeah
ma mingyi me ahomi
me se ma mingye m’a ma mingyi m’ahomi yeah yeah
Odo ma mingyi me ahomi
Odo Odo ma mingyi me ahomi yeah yeah
ma mingyi me ahomi
me se ma mingye m’a ma mingyi m’ahomi yeah yeah

From morning, noon to night me I don’t faya
Me cyaan keep up my cyaan further
Me know me heart nuh good fi this weather
Me pull me body out me nah sheda

Ad3n men nkoaa na me tumi k) ejuma
Ma y3 broke mi sikasem jina
Nlobi j3 min p3 shi mi npknen3
Me pull me body out nah sheda

Girl you got di cheese
And I know it yeh yeh
Can you hold it for a second
Cauz I wanna control myself

Girl you got di cheese
And I know it yeh yeh
Can you hold it for a second
Cauz I wanna control myself

Odo ma mingyi me ahomi
Odo Odo ma mingyi me ahomi yeah yeah
ma mingyi me ahomi
me se ma mingye m’a ma mingyi m’ahomi yeah yeah
Odo ma mingyi me ahomi
Odo Odo ma mingyi me ahomi yeah yeah
ma mingyi me ahomi
me se ma mingye m’a ma mingyi m’ahomi yeah yeah

Yeah yeah yeah yeah eii

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Stream or download the song J.Derobie & Mr Eazi - Shokor (Official ). This catchy new song, which has been trending for the past 1 year ago has received around views here on Nyimbo Mpya. Support good music by sharing it with your friends today for an unforgettable musical experience. You can also find more Music songs below.

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