
Hollis – Burn Burn (Lyric Video)

Released on Wednesday November 15 2023 "Hollis - Burn Burn (Lyric Video)" is another music track that you need to listen and add to your collection.” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen>


Tip of the Day - Music

The Sukuma people have a popular traditional dance called Bugobogobo, where performers imitate the movements of different animals, including snakes and crocodiles, as part of their musical routines.

Hollis – Burn Burn (Lyric Video)
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️Lyrics Hollis – Burn Burn:

Is there no mercy
We got each other but we don’t know if it’s gonna be enough
The smoke is rising
Impossible to overstate how devastated we’ve become
Wish there was a fire escape
We could climb out of this life
Leave the rest behind and let it all burn down
But there’s no fire escape
We can’t escape this life
And we can’t make it right until it all burns down
(So let it burn burn) Set it all on fire
(Let it burn burn) Wanna melt it down to nothing
(Let it burn burn) We can start it over
(Let it burn burn) Oh oh oh
It’s not worth saving
We can’t love and light our way through all the poison in the well
And we’re so done with waiting
We don’t have the luxury of only healing for ourselves
Wish there was a fire escape
We could climb out of this life
Leave the rest behind and let it all burn down
But there’s no fire escape
We can’t escape this life
And we can’t make it right until it all burns down
(So let it burn burn) Set it all on fire
(Let it burn burn) Wanna melt it down to nothing
(Let it burn burn) We can start it over
(Let it burn burn) Oh oh oh
Set it all on fire (Let it burn burn)
Wanna melt it down to nothing (Let it burn burn)
We can start it over (Let it burn burn)
It’s too much to contain (Let it burn burn)
All this friction and flame (Let it burn burn)
From the ashes we’ll rise up (Let it burn burn)
To destroy is divine, to destroy is divine
Set it all on fire (Let it burn burn)
Wanna melt it down to nothing (Let it burn burn)
We can start it over (Let it burn burn)
Oh oh oh

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