Harryson Mee Agusah is the real name of the musician. He began playing music when he was a child, at a time when he was a member of a church band.


He has a slew of singles to his credit, but no full-length albums to his name. His first EP, due out in 2022, will be a self-titled EP.

Harryson Mee was signed to Jovac Records, which is a record label based in the United States of America…. However, due to a conflict with the label’s administration, he was forced to leave the label prematurely.

Anthem, his previous single, was released on the Jovac record label. The good news is that he now has his own record label, Eleven29 Entertainment.

On the new song he featrured a talented artist iONA Reine which they did a great job together.

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