
Singah ft Alikiba – Somebody Mp3 Download

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Released on Wednesday November 15 2023 " Singah ft Alikiba - Somebody " is another music track that you need to listen and add to your collection.

Singah ft Alikiba - Somebody


Tip of the Day - Music

Former President Julius Nyerere heavily influenced the music scene by promoting traditional African music and values, embedding Tanzanian identity into songs and artistic performances.

Singah ft Alikiba – Somebody,  Singah ft Alikiba – Somebody Mp3 Download, Nyimbo Mpya za Alikiba

Singah ft Alikiba Somebody Lyrics

Everybody needs somebody

Somebody o somebody

Everybody needs somebody

Somebody o somebody

Everybody needs a special someone

Wey go dey to make you smile

Wey go drive all the tears from your eye

Everybody needs that special love

Wey go always hold your hands

Wey go there with you through the end

You know you need a special feeling

Feeling wey dey give different healing

One way go dey for you

The one who go bore bore you

Wey go love you every night and day

No go ever use you bae

Nah di kind one when you need

Nah di when you need

Everybody needs somebody

Somebody o somebody

Everybody needs somebody

Somebody o somebody

Everybody needs somebody

Somebody o somebody

Everybody needs somebody

Somebody o somebody

When I look in the mirror I see you

I feel you inside my heart girl

Everybody, everybody needs somebody

Just to be happy

The one and only in this world

Yes you my angel

Na unanipa temptation ouwoo

You are my angel, acha maringo

Vimacho macho kisura kitamu kama pipi

Ah my angel, acha maringo

Ah I’ll die for you I need somebody

Everybody needs somebody

Somebody o somebody

Everybody needs somebody

Somebody o somebody

Everybody needs somebody

Somebody o somebody

Everybody needs somebody

Somebody o somebody

You need a special soul in your life

You need a special soul in your life

You need a special soul in your life

You need a special soul in your life

Everybody needs somebody

Somebody o somebody

Everybody needs somebody

Somebody o somebody

Everybody needs somebody

Somebody o somebody

Everybody needs somebody

Somebody o somebody

Everybody needs somebody

Somebody o somebody

Everybody needs somebody

Somebody o somebody

Everybody needs somebody

Somebody o somebody

Everybody needs somebody

Somebody o somebody


Stream or download the song Singah ft Alikiba - Somebody . This catchy new song, which has been trending for the past 1 year ago has received around views here on Nyimbo Mpya. Support good music by sharing it with your friends today for an unforgettable musical experience. You can also find more Music songs below.

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