
Jay Melody ft Aslay – Raha Tele Mp3 Download

Released on Wednesday November 15 2023 " Jay Melody ft Aslay - Raha Tele " is another music track that you need to listen and add to your collection.

Jay Melody ft Aslay - Raha Tele


Tip of the Day - Music

The Sukuma people have a popular traditional dance called Bugobogobo, where performers imitate the movements of different animals, including snakes and crocodiles, as part of their musical routines.

Jay Melody ft Aslay –  Raha Tele Mp3 Download,  Jay Melody ft Aslay –  Raha Tele Mp3 Download, Nyimbo Mpya za Jay Melody, Nyimbo za Aslay

Jay Melody Raha Tele Lyrics

Ah, aahh, ayayaya

Mpaka raha

Unavyoonesha maajab

Unanipa mapenzi huchaguisana, mtoto nikab

Madhara ukivifuata vibabu

Ukatae tembele uchague nyama unieke roho juu

Hatari sana

Mtoto kulbaiya

Unavyonipa umoto

Hatari ukinibania

Unainjoi sana michezo ya kukutania

Na chai tule ukoko

Usiku wali bamia

Mapenzi yetu mi na wewe

Raha tele,(ayaya)

Raha tele, (ayayaya)

Raha tele, (ayaya)

Raha tele

Mapenzi yetu mi na wewe

Raha tele, na kisura

Raha tele, (ayaya)

Raha tele, (oh ooh)

Raha tele

Mapenzi yetu mi na wewe



Nijuze kipi kinafanya unalia, (ooh)

Nieleze mama

Nieleze maana nshaanza kuchanganyikiwa


Ruksa kunifanya chambo

Wakikuzingua nikapambane

Nikulinde kama mgambo

Ili mashorobalo wasikuone

Koleza mama

Koleza nazi kwa mchele

Isambaga tuwaachie wenyewe

Koleza darlin

Koleza nazi kwa mchele

Isambaga tuwaachie wenyewe

Raha tele,(ayaya)

Raha tele, (ayayaya)

Raha tele, (ayaya)

Raha tele

Mapenzi yetu mi na wewe

Raha tele, na kisura

Raha tele, (ayaya)

Raha tele, (oh ooh)

Raha tele

Mapenzi yetu mi na wewe

Raha tele

Nasikia raha, raha tele

Nasikia furaha, raha tele

Kuwa na wewe, raha tele

Naona raha, raha tele

Oh babe mama, raha tele

Nakupenda sana, raha tele

Raha tele, raha tele

Raha telee


Stream or download the song Jay Melody ft Aslay - Raha Tele . This catchy new song, which has been trending for the past 1 year ago has received around views here on Nyimbo Mpya. Support good music by sharing it with your friends today for an unforgettable musical experience. You can also find more Music songs below.

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