
Harmonize – Single Mp3 Download

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Released on Wednesday November 15 2023 " Harmonize - Single " is another music track that you need to listen and add to your collection.

Harmonize - Single


Tip of the Day - Music

The annual Ngoma festivals, held in different regions, showcase the rich diversity of Tanzanian music, bringing together traditional groups and modern artists in a celebration of dance and sound.

Harmonize – Single Mp3 Download, Harmonize – Single Mp3 Download, Nyimbo Mpya za Harmonize

Harmonize Single Lyrics

This one goes to all single ladies
And gentlemen out there
Kill ’em

As am young and am rich and am handsome
So many bitches on my Instagram
Everybody wanna – with me
I don’t know who is real to me

I used to play them as bubblegum
Having two girls at the same time
Threesome it’s awesome
Now I can’t do that anymore

The reason why me ah take my time
I don’t wanna waste somebody’s time
Just wanna get to know you better
If you love me or you love my paper

I need a girl to be my wife
Spending together the whole life
When I’m fucked up, she dey come up
One time give me satisfaction

You must be a forgiver
‘Cause I’m a believer
And love me where you never loved before
I’ll give all my love
For my heart, my soul, yeah

Single and am ready to mingle
Am waiting for someone to take my love
Love me, love me

Oh yes am single and am ready to mingle
Am waiting for someone to take my love
And love me, love me

This life, this life
How can I know if you are the one for me
What if you lie, you lie?
Money on your mind that’s all you wanna see

I know so many girls who can move the waist
But I need you to give me your love and waist
I just wish I can find one who pass the test
See my age is growing, na mi ni stress

For too long I be free
Now am ready to share my key
We live by the sea
And am longing to show you to my mummy
You must be a forgiver
‘Cause I’m a believer
And love me where you never loved before
I’ll give all my love
For my heart, my soul, yeah

Single and am ready to mingle
Am waiting for someone to take my love
Love me, love me

Oh yes, am single and am ready to mingle
Am waiting for someone to take my love
And love me, love me

Oh yes, am single and am ready to mingle
Am waiting for someone to take my love
And love me, love me


Stream or download the song Harmonize - Single . This catchy new song, which has been trending for the past 1 year ago has received around views here on Nyimbo Mpya. Support good music by sharing it with your friends today for an unforgettable musical experience. You can also find more Music songs below.

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