Fiston Mbuyi – SURPRIS Mp3 Download

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Released on Wednesday November 15 2023 " Fiston Mbuyi - SURPRIS " is another music track that you need to listen and add to your collection.

Download Mp3 Fiston Mbuyi - SURPRIS


Tip of the Day - Music

In 2025, Tanzanian top Producer S2kizzy won Best Music Producer at the 3rd NXT Honors, notably for his production work on Diamond Platnumz hit single Komasava (Comment Ça Va).

Gospel recording artist from Congo (Democratic Republic of Congo), Fiston Mbuyi is back with another beautiful gospel song tagged Winner.

RELATED: Fiston Mbuyi – Winner

This track is taken from the Amour Unique album, An inspired hymn for the building of nations with the objective of presenting the work of the Cross which is a pleasant surprise for all the condemned.


Motéma na ngáí etóndí na bolingo’a mobáli alanda nga na nkunda
Nalelí, môbimba na ng’e présenter ba bilembo’a bolámu Yésu amemi
Nalelí, kímyá, akomá moníngá na nga atá misólo ezo monana té
Na Congo, na zelaki na assister na lapidation, nzoka acquittement

Jésus m’a surpris
Il m’a surpris
Agréablement surpris
Jésus m’a surpris
Aza bolingo’a motéma na ngáí
Alongoli soni na ngáí

Yemba na ngáí (bolingo ya motéma na ngáí)
Asali nini yango (alongoli soni na ngáí)
Esi na langwe nanga boling n’o (bolingo’a motéma na ngáí)
Asali nini (alongoli soni)

Listen to “Fiston Mbuyi – SURPRIS” below;

Fiston Mbuyi – SURPRIS Mp3 Download

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Also, check more tracks from Judikay;


Stream or download the song Fiston Mbuyi - SURPRIS . This catchy new song, which has been trending for the past 1 year ago has received around views here on Nyimbo Mpya. Support good music by sharing it with your friends today for an unforgettable musical experience. You can also find more Music songs below.

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